Author Archives: joeyfung


How to Foster Empathy and Compassion in Children during the Pandemic

Is it possible to cultivate empathy and compassion in kids? Dr. Joey Fung shares 6 ways parents can do this.



It’s Okay to Let Your Child be Bored This Summer

Written during the Summer of 2020, this post maintains wisdom for parents about the importance of unstructured time and play.


Mindful Parenting: The Importance of Creating Space from Within

Dr. Joey Fung emphasizes the importance of mindful parenting and how parents can thrive during this pandemic.



Grief and Mindfulness: How to Manage Your Emotions

Dr. Joey Fung discusses the myths of grief, offering 3 ways mindfulness can help us manage our emotions during times of grief.



Mindfulness: The Importance of Checking In with Your Body

Dr. Joey Fung shares 5 mindfulness practices to help us check in with our bodies to manage anxiety during times of transition and difficulty.