As Christians, understanding our purpose begins with Jesus’ message of love. As Psalm 139 reminds us, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We each discover purpose in our own distinct way. What if you were given permission to consider how you are called to be God’s loving presence – as yourself – serving God and others through your gifts and talents? We need support and relationships to pursue purpose and remain agile through the life’s ups and downs. We can enlist our trusted friends and family members in the process, asking them if we are on the right track, and asking them to walk alongside us, providing support. When we tap into God’s love, and share God’s love, we often experience joy. In considering how we become more agile, love and joy offer both motivation and reward. Finding joy requires self-awareness and deep connection to what matters to ourselves and to the world. Thriving involves being able to adapt.
We offer the framework of the 5 A’s of Agility to help you and your communities become more aware, aligned, and activated toward purpose. You can use these steps to continually assess how it’s going. Work through the cycle once or twice a week answering a few prompts at a time
Click here for the worksheet.
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A Practice: The Five A’s for Agility in the Face of Change
Finding joy requires practice. Learn how you can be agile and experience more joy in your daily life through our 5-step process.
A Practice: The Five A’s of Agility
Part of our journey towards thriving involves agility. Pamela King explains how we can be agile through a 5-step process.
A Practice: Using the 5 A’s to Slow down and Offer Thanks
Practicing gratitude can change your life. Use the 5 As mindfulness practice to offer thanks and live into a practice of gratitude.
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