Sunlight to grow towards

As an academic center since 1997, we conduct psychological research to develop insight-driven content, practical tools, and spiritual practices.

Rest Easy

Open Fresh Eyes

We are researchers who care deeply about your holistic well-being. We work to turn our research into insights and practical tools that help individuals and leaders with spiritual health and experience a full and thriving everyday life.

For Growth-Seekers

Featured Research

We hold that science can provide the insight needed to understand our spiritual health and develop practices that lead to thriving. Thrive Center has been asking and studying pertinent questions about the psychology of spiritual health and thriving for two decades. Our research considers diverse perspectives and cultures and explores spirituality broadly.

Spirituality in America: Structural Topic Modeling

Our team uses cutting-edge structural model analysis to understand diverse spirituality in the U.S.

Shades of Gratitude

Our team seeks to test and develop a theoretical framework to help guide future research on gratitude.

The Reciprocating Self: A Telos of Human Development

Pamela King uses teleology to further understand the ends and means of human development and thriving.

The Joyride Project

This project seeks to integrate the theological and psychological perspectives of joy and flourishing.

Adolescent Spirituality and Thriving

Dr. King and her research team continue to explore psychological aspects of spiritual development and the potential psychological resources within religion and spirituality that promote thriving for young people.

Measuring Spirituality Among Adolescents

Pamela King and team test the psychological viability of the MDAS scale among diverse youth.

Special Projects

DACA Self-Care, Mental Health Series

In collaboration with Fuller Theological Seminary, the Thrive Center hosted DACA Thriving Tuesdays from May to June, 2020. This 5-week webinar series expands on our self-care tips and mental health resources for undocumented individuals with or without DACA.

Discussion About Patience

Psychologists, Benjamin Houltberg and Sarah Schnitker lead a table discussion with Rabbi Sherre Hirsh, Tasneem Noor, and Harlan Redmond to share their thoughts on the meaning of patience within different cultural contexts, faith traditions, and individuals.

Conversing on Sports

Ben Houltberg, associate professor of human development, reflects on working with elite athletes, performance-based identity, and the role of community in sports.

Empirical Research Allows for Thriving

Dr. King's lab researches how diverse people thrive. The empirical research focuses on spirituality, religion, virtue development, and purpose. Our interdisciplinary scholarship integrates philosophical, theological, and psychological perspectives to further understand thriving and spirituality.