King, P. E. (2007). Adolescent Spirituality and Positive Youth Development: A Look at Religion, Social Capital, and Moral Functioning. In Silbereisen, R., & Lerner, R. (2007). Approaches to Positive Youth Development (pp. 227-242). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Scientific research and science-guided practice based on the promotion of an individual’s strengths constitute a radical shift in a new and growing area of study within the field of human development. Its trademark term is `positive youth development’. This approach to human development is based on the idea that, in addition to preventing problems, science and practice should promote the development of competencies, skills, and motivation in order to enhance individuals’ developmental pathways. Approaches to Positive Youth Development is based on this concept and brings together authors from across Europe and America who are leaders in their respective fields. The main focus of the book, beyond a clarification of the paradigmatic foundations, concerns the major contexts of adolescents and young adults, namely, neighborhoods and leisure locales, school and family, and the major themes of healthy psychosocial development, namely, competencies and knowledge, prosocial behavior, transcending problems of delinquency, civic engagement, identity, agency, and spirituality.
Year: 2007
Holder: SAGE Publications Inc.
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