Balswick, J. O., King, P. E., & Reimer, K. S. (2005). The reciprocating self: A theological perspective of development. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Academic Press.
The purpose of “The Reciprocating Self: Human Development in Theological Perspective” is to present an integrated view of human development that is based on social science research and biblical truths. We do this by drawing on a biblical model of relationality, where the created goal or purpose of human development is to become a reciprocating self-fully and securely related to others and to God. The ideas for this book came to us as we struggled together to teach human development in a holistic manner. A parallel purpose to providing an understanding of human development within a theological perspective is to provide a context for the reader to understand his or her own developmental issues. As we trace the reciprocating self through developmental life span stages we will be able to address stage-specific developmental issues. A developmental issue is a concern, tension, worry or crisis encountered by the self in the context of change. The source of change can be personal and internal-bodily, mentally, emotionally, socially- or external-relational, familial, communal, societal. Since internal and external change is continual and interactive, life is a process of facing one developmental issue after another.
Year: 2005
Holder: InterVarsity Press
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