
September 1, 2020

The Reciprocating Self: A Telos of Human Development

Pamela King uses teleology to further understand the ends and means of human development and thriving.

Project Dates

September 2020—Present

Thrive Research Team

Principal Investigator: Pamela Ebstyne King

Postdoctoral Research Associate: Rodrigo Riveros Miranda

Project Overview

Given the radical and frantic change throughout society, the Telos Project seeks to convene interdisciplinary scholars and to synthesize existing scholarship to further understand the ends of human development and thriving. Drawing on psychological science, philosophical, and theological perspectives, teleology provides a framework for human thriving pointing to the importance of the development of differentiated individuals in reciprocating relationships with others, and evolving moral and spiritual aspirations that contribute to flourishing society.

Related Publications

The Reciprocating Self, 2nd Ed.

In this revised and expanded second edition, Jack Balswick, Pamela Ebstyne King, and Kevin Reimer present a model of human development that ranges across all of life’s stages, based on a theologically grounded understanding of the nature of persons and the self.

Critically engaging social science research and theory, this book offers an integrated approach that provides insight helpful to college and seminary students, as well as those serving in the helping professions.

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Selected Presentations

The role of telos

Dr. Pam King defines telos and explains the important role it plays in youths’ lives this interview with the Yale Youth Ministry Institute.

This interview was published by Yale Youth Ministry Institute.

Practical applications of telos

Dr. Pam King sits down with the Yale Youth Ministry Institute and shares the meaningful ways youth practitioners can help advance a youth’s telos or purpose.

This interview was published by Yale Youth Ministry Institute.

Young people & the church

Dr. Pam King responds to the lecture by Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean from Princeton Theological Seminary, reflecting on the “telos” of Christian faith and its relationship to empowering youth.
This interview was published by FULLER Studio.



Continue Exploring


On Being and Becoming Human Through Accompaniment and Telos


Theological Perspectives on Beliefs and Communities of Practice


Neurodiversity and Thriving: A Case Study in Theology-Informed Psychology


Religion, Spirituality, and Youth Thriving: Investigating the Roles of the Developing Mind and Meaning-Making


Back to the Future: Volf’s Eschatological Vision of Flourishing for a Psychology of Thriving


The Reciprocating Self: Trinitarian and Christological AnthropologiesR of Being and Becoming (Portugues (Brasil))


Thriving with Stone Age Minds: Evolutionary Psychological and Christian Perspectives on Human Flourishing.


Vocation as becoming: Telos, thriving and joy


Joy as a Virtue: The Means and Ends of Joy


Joy Distinguished: Teleological Perspectives of Joy as a Virtue.


Kids & God: Nurturing spirituality and the ability to thrive


The reciprocating self: A theological perspective of development

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