Topic Archive




Orienting Ourselves Through the Holi-daze

Dr. Pamela King reminds us about the significance of the holidays and orienting our lives to what matters through the holiday craze.



Psychological Transformation

Summary Pamela Ebstyne King responds to Charles Howard Chandler Professor Emerita of Old Testament at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, Carol A. Newsom on shifting our understanding of moral agency, speaking on the psychological transformation that happens through vulnerability and dependence on God.   Author’s Note This talk was given at the 2019 Payton Lectures and was originally published on FULLER Studio.   About the Author Pamela Ebstyne King is the executive director of the Thrive Center and serves as the Peter L. Benson Professor of Applied Developmental Science at Fuller Theological Seminary. Her primary academic interests…


Research Link

Kids & God: Nurturing spirituality and the ability to thrive

Citation King, P. E. (2018). Kids & God: Nurturing spirituality and the ability to thrive. In Benjamin D. Espinoza, James Riley Estep & Shirley Morganthaler (Eds.) Story, Formation, and Culture: From Theory to Practice in Ministry with Children. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Press, 296-306. Abstract Story, Formation, and Culture brings together a myriad of scholars, researchers, and ministry leaders into conversation about how we can effectively nurture the spirituality of children. Built around the three themes of story, formation, and culture, this volume blends cutting-edge research and insights with attention to how we can bring theory into practice in...


Research Link

Introduction to the British Journal of Developmental Psychology special issue on religion, culture and development

Citation Richert, R. A., Boyatzis, C. J. & King, P. E. (2017). Introduction to the British Journal of Developmental Psychology special issue on religion, culture and development. British Journal of Developmental Psychology Special Issue: Religion, Culture and Development, 35 (1), 1-3. Abstract An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses articles in the issue on topics including peer-reviewed research and theory on children and religion, the influence of religion as a cultural context, and the processes and mechanisms of religious and spiritual development. Copyright Holder: The British Psychological Society Year: 2024 DOI:…


Research Link

The reciprocating self: Trinitarian and Christological anthropologies of being and becoming

Citation King, P. E. (2016). The reciprocating self: Trinitarian and Christological anthropologies of being and becoming. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 35(3), 215-232. Abstract This paper summarizes a Christological and trinitarian anthropology in order to propose a developmental teleology that offers a vision for being and becoming human. From a Christological perspective, Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God, and becoming like Christ as distinct persons is God’s intention for all of humanity. How humans are conformed to Christ occurs through and results in mutual, reciprocal relations with God, humans, and creation. Drawing on Christology and the doctrine of...


Research Link

Religious and Spiritual Development

Citation King, P. E. & Boyatzis C. (2015). Religious and spiritual development. In M. E. Lamb & C. G. Coll (Eds.), Social and Emotional Issues (Vol. 3) of the Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (7th ed.). Editor-in-chief: R. M. Lerner. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, p. 975-1021. Abstract Although religion and spirituality have long been an integral part of being human, this is the first empirical chapter to be included in the Handbook of Child Psychology. We examine major theoretical perspectives but emphasize the recent explosion of empirical findings on religion and spirituality in childhood and adolescence. Recognizing the centrality...


Research Link

What’s the “Positive” in Positive Psychology? Teleological Considerations Based on Creation and Imago Doctrines

Citation King, P.E. & Whitney, W. (2015). “What’s the ‘positive’ in positive psychology: Teleological considerations based on creation and imago doctrines,” Journal of Psychology and Theology 43(1), 47-59. Abstract While positive psychology has considered a social science perspective of optimal development and living, a pressing question for the integration of psychology and theology is to consider what Christian theology suggests is essential for humans to thrive. Recognizing that God’s purposeful action in creation has a telos, that is, a goal or purpose for humankind, propels Christian psychologists to investigate a theology of thriving in order to more fully grasp what...


Research Project

Love Thy Neighbor Project

Sarah Schnitker examines the connection between intercessory prayer and generosity with student researchers. Examining the Effects of Moral Intuitions and Intercessory Prayer on Generous Behavior.


Research Link

The needs of youth ministry at the turn of the century: Hearing the voice of the people

Citation Powell, K., King, P. E., & Clark, C. (2005). The needs of youth ministry at the turn of the century: Hearing the voice of the people. The Journal of Youth Ministry, 4(1), 85-98. Abstract The article presents a study that seeks to investigate the emerging needs of youth ministry practitioners who work with youth and their families with a special focus on topical categories in which training is desired. Consequently, a Voice of the Customer (VOC) methodology was chosen in order to ascertain the current needs facing those who serve and lead in faith-based youth and family work in...


Research Link

Religion and Applied Developmental Science

Citation King, P. E., & Dowling, E. M. (2005). Religion and applied developmental science. In C. B. Fisher & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of applied developmental science. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Abstract The Encyclopedia of Applied Developmental Science is an important and timely contribution to this burgeoning field. This four-volume set is the authoritative source that encompasses the entire range of concepts and topics involved in the study of applied developmental science. Its contents and levels have broad appeal for those interested in how the application of knowledge about human development can be used to enhance the lives...