Topic Archive




Seasons of Purpose: Finding Meaning when life gets Messy

Purpose helps us contribute to our world and live into our deepest longings.



A More Meaningful New Year

Why is this happening? Why did this happen to me? If you are struggling with making meaning of a situation, read more for ideas and practices.



Human Relationality and Growth: Psychological and Theological Perspectives

“How do I grow as a fully differentiated person in relationship and increasing intimacy, increasing contribution with the world around me?” (Dr. Pam King, from the episode) Dr. Pam King joins the Yale Center for Faith & Culture podcast, For the Life of the World, for a discussion of human development, purpose, relational intimacy, and spiritual connection—all through the integration of developmental psychology and theology. With host Evan Rosa, she reflects on human change and plasticity in the midst of a whole complex life; relational attachment for the sake of intimacy and exploration and ultimate purpose or meaning; the proper...



Why Can’t I Change? How Flexibility Might Be the Key to Getting Unstuck (Part 2)

We can thrive by flexibly facing change, rather than avoiding it. This post is Part 2 of a two-part series.



Why Can’t I Change? How Flexibility Might Be the Key to Getting Unstuck (Part 1)

We can thrive by flexibly facing change, rather than avoiding it. This post is Part 1 of a two-part series.



Pursuing Goals: The Castle, the Estate, and The Long Walk

Guest blogger, Amy Dunn, reflects on being present in the day to day of our lives as we pursue goals and purpose. The journey is where we live, even as we keep our eye on a telos.



A Practice: Questions for Life Review

These questions are intended to help you examine your life to discover meaning and purpose, no matter where you are in life's journey.



Life Worth Living: Faith, Flourishing, and What Matters Most with Dr. Miroslav Volf

Miroslav Volf (Yale University) wants to reorient theology around human flourishing. For too long, theology has left practical transformation and lived experience out of the picture. But when we draw together Christian faith and spirituality within a holistic framework of understanding who we are, why we’re here, what we’re called to, and how we should live—we’ll find a life that is truly worth living. (Includes a meditative spiritual exercise by Dr. Pam King, “Creating Space.”)…



A Broad Place: We Do Not Live in a Shoebox

Thrive blogger, Amy Dunn, reflects on Miroslav Volf and creating a broad place in which we can grow and become.



The Makeup of a Flourishing Life

Thrive blogger, Amy Dunn, summarizes Miroslav Volf's ideas about a flourishing life.



A Practice: The Transformative Power of Reflection

Reflecting on our experiences reinforces or disrupts our internal narratives about ourselves and our perceptions of the world.



A Practice: Questioning Beliefs to find Meaning

This practice provides questions to help you explore the beliefs that help you make meaning of life's circumstances.