Topic Archive
Protecting Our Spiritual Health
Guest blogger, Dr. Angela Gorrell emphasizes the importance of nurturing our spiritual health in order to thrive during difficult times.
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Exploring Religiousness and Hope: Examining the Roles of Spirituality and Social Connections among Salvadoran Youth
Citation King, P. E., Vaughn, J. M., Yoo, Y., Tirrell, J. M., Dowling, E. M., Lerner, R. M., … & Sim, A. T. (2020). Exploring religiousness and hope: Examining the roles of spirituality and social connections among Salvadoran youth. Religions, 11(2), 75. Abstract Given the strong link between religiousness and hope, we sought to further understand the relations of these potentially powerful resources for youth living in adversity. Although existing research suggests that religiousness might be associated with adolescent hope via spirituality and social connections, few studies have tested models that integrate both. Thus, as applied psychologists, the aim…
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Religious groups and institutions as a context for moral development: Religion as fertile ground.
Citation King, P. E., Schnitker, S. A., & Houltberg, B. (2020). Religious groups and institutions as a context for moral development: Religion as fertile ground. Handbook of Moral Development (ed. L. Jensen). New York: Oxford University Press, 592-612. Abstract An extensive body of research points toward spirituality and religiousness as resources for promoting human thriving. People with strong connections to the transcendent and religious meaning in life often view morals and values as central to their self-concepts. Although moral identity theory and contemporary views of virtue development emphasize the importance of narrative identity for habituated moral action, the two are...
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“Spirituality and Adolescent Development” in Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development
Citation King, P. E., Vaughn, J. M., & Merola, C. (2020). Spirituality and adolescent development. In D. T. L. Shek & J. Leung (Eds.) Volume VII: History, Theory, and Culture. In S. Hupp & J. Jewell (Eds. in chief). Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley Blackwell. Abstract The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development presents the major theories, key concepts, disorders, and evidence-based practices of the field. Covering infancy through adolescence and emerging adulthood, this important work outlines major areas of research and examines specific topics, ongoing controversies, and current work being done by leaders in the field. The...
Top Apps for Thriving
When used properly, technology can help us thrive. Our research team shares the 9 apps that can boost relationships, beliefs, and purpose.
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Processes of religious and spiritual influence in adolescence: A systematic review of 30 years of research
Citation Hardy, S. A., Nelson, J. M., Moore, J. P., & King, P. E. (2019). Processes of religious and spiritual influence in adolescence: A systematic review of 30 years of research. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(2), 254-275. Abstract This is a systematic review of 30 years (1988-2017) of empirical research on processes of religious/spiritual influence in adolescence. We followed a multi-step process that resulted in 241 studies organized according to eight research questions and the corresponding methods and analyses typically used to address them. We coded these studies based on the dimensions of religiosity/spirituality and the youth outcomes involved....
Research Link
Processes of Religious and Spiritual Influence in Adolescence: Introduction to a Special Section
Citation Hardy, S. A., & King, P. E. (2019). Processes of religious and spiritual influence in adolescence: Introduction to a special section. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(2), 244-253. DOI: Abstract This paper serves as the lead article introducing the special section of the Journal of Research on Adolescence focused on processes of religious and spiritual influence during adolescence. The purpose of the special section is to review prior theory and research on the processes by which religiosity and spirituality might influence youth outcomes, present original cutting-edge theory and research on processes of religious and spiritual influence, and point...
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Religion, Spirituality, and Thriving: Transcendent Narrative, Virtue, and Lived Purpose.
Citation Schnitker, S. A., King, P. E., & Houltberg, B. (2019). Religion, Spirituality, and Thriving: Transcendent Narrative, Virtue, and Lived Purpose. In Hardy, S. & King, P. E. (eds.). Special section: Processes of religious and spiritual influence in adolescence, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(2), 276-290. Abstract A theory is proposed to explain how religion/spirituality (R/S) is related to positive youth development and thriving. The concept of telos is employed to define thriving as continued growth through strength-based living that leads to contributing to one’s communities and living out one’s ethical ideals. Virtue development is proposed as a primary process...
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Illuminating the use of the specificity principle to go inside the black box of programs
Citation Tirrell, J. M., Gansert, P. K., Geldhof, G. J., Dowling, E. M., Lerner, J. V., King, P. E., Sim, A. T. R., Iraheta, G., Williams, K., & Lerner, R. M. (2019). Illuminating the use of the specificity principle to go inside the black box of programs: The sample case of an El Salvador positive youth development program. In S. Verma, A. Petersen, & J. Lansford (Eds.), Sustainable human development: Challenges and solutions for implementing the United Nations’ Goals [Special issue]: Zeitschrift für Psychologie. Abstract The UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for disaggregating results of program...
Research Link
Kids & God: Nurturing spirituality and the ability to thrive
Citation King, P. E. (2018). Kids & God: Nurturing spirituality and the ability to thrive. In Benjamin D. Espinoza, James Riley Estep & Shirley Morganthaler (Eds.) Story, Formation, and Culture: From Theory to Practice in Ministry with Children. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Press, 296-306. Abstract Story, Formation, and Culture brings together a myriad of scholars, researchers, and ministry leaders into conversation about how we can effectively nurture the spirituality of children. Built around the three themes of story, formation, and culture, this volume blends cutting-edge research and insights with attention to how we can bring theory into practice in...
Research Project
Spiritual Exemplars: The Emerging Adult Years
Explore the groundbreaking research by Pam King on young adult spiritual exemplars and their inspiring journeys.