Topic Archive

Getting Unstuck: Why You Need Help to Understand Your Story (Part 1)
How do the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves help us through life's transitions? Why do we need others to help us gain insight into who we are becoming?

Dropping Anchor: How Can We Stay Steady During Change?
What support systems buoy us on our journeys? Blogger, Amy Dunn, offers some ideas and practices to keep us steady during times of change and transition.

Dreaming Together: Dealing with Conflict, Finding Belonging, and Doing Justice with Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
“If your community is not well, then you are not well.” Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra (Fuller Theological Seminary) is an organizer, activist, and pastor whose career has shown how individual thriving is intertwined with collective justice. With respect for marvelous human complexity, she’s encouraging us to get out of our heads and into our bodies and emotions… and is inviting us to compassion for the marginalized, and to ground our spiritual health in our connectedness to the human family, across cultural and economic lines.

Pam King on The Purposeful Lab Podcast
With evolutionary psychology and theology as a guide, Dr. Pam King offers tools and inspiration to find purpose and thrive in today's world.

From the Inside Out: Relationships, Mental Health, & Interpersonal Neurobiology with Dr. Dan Siegel
We are made for relationships. And psychiatrist, researcher, and clinical therapist Dr. Dan Siegel (UCLA) has found that emotional realities of our earliest attachment relationships reverberate through the rest of our lives. By opening up brain science and what he calls “interpersonal neurobiology” he’s helping people find emotional healing and wholeness, deep connection, and stable life-giving relationships.

An Integrated Life: Balancing Rigidity and Chaos
Thrive blogger, Amy Dunn, reflects on the concept of integration and how humans navigate the river of life, avoiding the rocky shores or rigidity and chaos.

Freedom from Fear: Mental Health, Justice, and Hope for an Unencumbered Life in the Black Church with Rev. Dr. Dwight Radcliff
What would it be to dream and live unencumbered? Rev. Dr. Dwight Radcliff is a pastor, community leader, and cultural theologian who wants the pages of Christian scripture to come alive to the gritty realities of justice, equity, and social transformation. Looking through the narrative vision of hip-hop and the Black church, he weaves a story of personal and communal wholeness …. holding everything together in all the tension of life … all to find thriving and spiritual health in the embodied, emotional, and empathetic now.

Dr. Dwight Radcliff’s Prophetic Hip Hop Playlist
Want some of Rev. Dr. Radcliff's greatest hits from the history of hip hop? Check out the playlist here!

A Broad Place: We Do Not Live in a Shoebox
Thrive blogger, Amy Dunn, reflects on Miroslav Volf and creating a broad place in which we can grow and become.

The Makeup of a Flourishing Life
Thrive blogger, Amy Dunn, summarizes Miroslav Volf's ideas about a flourishing life.

How Can we Reestablish Meaningful Connection in This Digital Age?
Dr. Pam King discusses the importance of creating transformative systems that will enable human thriving.

Pam King on Liberty Road Podcast
In this episode, Liberty Road's Nada Jones sits down with Pam to discuss her work at the THRIVE Center, where the science of psychology and the practice of spirituality collide. Pam desires to catalyze a movement of human thriving through research and resource development. To help us get there, she explains the three pillars of thriving and how they get reassessed in mid-life.