Topic Archive



Research Link

Religious and Spiritual Development

Citation King, P. E. & Boyatzis C. (2015). Religious and spiritual development. In M. E. Lamb & C. G. Coll (Eds.), Social and Emotional Issues (Vol. 3) of the Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (7th ed.). Editor-in-chief: R. M. Lerner. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, p. 975-1021. Abstract Although religion and spirituality have long been an integral part of being human, this is the first empirical chapter to be included in the Handbook of Child Psychology. We examine major theoretical perspectives but emphasize the recent explosion of empirical findings on religion and spirituality in childhood and adolescence. Recognizing the centrality...


Research Project

Virtue Interventions in Adolescent Athletes

Sarah Schnitker and Ben Houltberg examine the contexts in which teen athletes develop character strengths.


Research Link

Purpose and Spirituality: Exploring the Role of Fidelity in Diverse Adolescents

Citation Carr, D. R. & King, P. E., Meier, A. M. (2014). Purpose and spirituality: Exploring the role of fidelity in diverse adolescents. Journal of Youth Development, 9(2), 5-15. Abstract Purpose is understood to reflect young people’s stable and generalized commitments to accomplish meaningful activity and contribute productively to society. Religion has been linked with purpose; however, the nature of this relationship is not well understood. Given that purpose and religion involve beliefs and devotion, the current study examined fidelity as a means of understanding this relationship in a group of religiously and culturally diverse youth from around the world....


Research Link

Prevention and the promotion of thriving in children and adolescents

Citation King, P. E., & Clardy, C. E. (2014). Prevention and the promotion of thriving in children and adolescents. In K. S. Flanagan & S. E. Hall (Eds.), Christianity and developmental psychopathology: Theory and application for working with youth (p. 179-202). Naperville, IL; InterVarsity Press. Abstract Since its origin in the early 1980s, the field of developmental psychopathology has become a highly influential framework for approaching the clinical treatment of children. Until now there has been no effort to integrate this framework with a Christian understanding of psychopathology. The essays in this volume break new ground by providing Christian mental...


Research Link

Cultural and Contextual Issues in Exemplar Research

Citation King, P. E., Mueller, R. O., & Furrow, J. F. (2013). Cultural and contextual considerations in exemplar research. In M. K. Matsuba, P. E. King, & K. C. Bronk, K. C. (Eds.), Exemplar methods and research: Quantitative and qualitative strategies for investigation [Special issue]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 142, 41-58. Abstract This chapter specifically addresses how exemplar methods are especially relevant to examining cultural and contextual issues. Cross-cultural, cultural, and indigenous psychologies are discussed in order to highlight how studying actual exemplars in their unique and complex developmental contexts has the potential to identify themes that...


Research Link

An Introduction to Exemplar Research: A Definition, Rationale, and Conceptual Issues

Citation Bronk, K. C., King, P. E., & Matsuba, M. K. (2013). Introduction to exemplarity research. In M. K. Matsuba, P. E. King, & K. C. Bronk (Eds.), Exemplar methods and research: Quantitative and qualitative strategies for investigation [Special issue]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 142, 1-12. Abstract The exemplar methodology represents a useful yet underutilized approach to studying developmental constructs. It features an approach to research whereby individuals, entities, or programs that exemplify the construct of interest in a particularly intense or highly developed manner compose the study sample. Accordingly, it reveals what the upper ends of...


Research Link

Adolescent Spiritual Exemplars: Exploring Spirituality in the Lives of Diverse Youth

Citation King, P. E., Clardy, C. E., & Ramos, J. S. (2013). Adolescent spiritual exemplars: Exploring spirituality in the lives of diverse youth. Journal of Adolescent Research, 29(2), 186-212. Abstract This qualitative study aimed to develop theory about psychological constructs relevant to spiritual development in diverse adolescents. Exemplar and Consensual Qualitative Research methods were used to explore 30 interviews of adolescents aged 12 to 21 years (M = 17.73 years) representing eight religions and six countries from around the world. Participants were nominated for living with profound spirituality within their own culture and completed semistructured interviews in their country of...


Research Link

Spiritually oriented interventions in developmental context

Citation Quagliana, H. L., King, P. E., Quagliana, D. P., & Wagener, L. M. (2013). Spiritually oriented interventions in developmental context. In D. F. Walker & W. L. Hathaway (Eds.), Spiritual interventions in child and adolescent psychotherapy (pp. 89–110). American Psychological Association. Abstract Developmental theory offers a context for understanding children’s and adolescents’ functioning across several domains or areas, including, but not limited to, the psychosocial, cognitive, and spiritual. In this chapter, we suggest that an understanding of developmental theory should guide treatment in a psychotherapeutic context, including those interventions that are spiritually oriented. We also argue that effective clinical...


Research Link

Special Issue: Exemplar Methods and Research: Strategies for Investigation

Citation Matsuba, M. K., King, P. E., & Bronk, K. C. (Eds.). (2013). Exemplar Methods and Research: Strategies for Investigation [Special issue]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 142. Copyright Year: 2013 Holder: John Wiley & Sons, Inc DOI:…


Research Link

Searching for the sacred: Religion, spirituality, and adolescent development.

Citation King, P. E., Ramos, J. S., & Clardy, C. E. (2013). Searching for the sacred: Religion, spirituality, and adolescent development. In K. I. Pargament, J. J. Exline, & J. W. Jones (Eds.), APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol. 1): Context, theory, and research (pp. 513–528). American Psychological Association. Abstract This chapter provides an overview of the nature and function of religion and spirituality in the lives of diverse adolescents. The chapter addresses religion and spirituality from two perspectives. First, religious and spiritual development (RSD) are described as unique domains of human development; we explore how young people...


Research Project

Relational Capacity and Ministry Performance

How does the number of personal relationships affect youth workers and ministries? Justin Barrett investigated.


Research Link

Peter L. Benson: Human Exemplar and Uncommon Scientist

Citation King, P. E. (2012). Peter L. Benson: Human exemplar and uncommon scientist. Applied Developmental Science, 16(1), 42-44. Copyright Year: 2012 Holder: Informa UK Limited DOI:…