
May 16, 2019

Psychological Transformation

Pamela King speaks at a podium


Pamela Ebstyne King responds to Charles Howard Chandler Professor Emerita of Old Testament at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, Carol A. Newsom on shifting our understanding of moral agency, speaking on the psychological transformation that happens through vulnerability and dependence on God.


Author’s Note

This talk was given at the 2019 Payton Lectures and was originally published on FULLER Studio.


About the Author

Headshot of Pamela Ebstyne King

Pamela Ebstyne King is the executive director of the Thrive Center and serves as the Peter L. Benson Professor of Applied Developmental Science at Fuller Theological Seminary. Her primary academic interests are applied research at the intersection of human thriving and spiritual development. Dr. King’s work combines theology, empirical research, and community engagement to further understand what contexts and settings enable all people to thrive.

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