The COVID-19 pandemic has caused extraordinary emotional turmoil and stress in the United States and globally. As first responders in crises, clergy and faith leaders have to contend with increasing grief and trauma reactions in their faith communities. Faith leaders must understand and recognize trauma, and its multidimensional impact in times such as these. This webinar provided practical and faith-based tips to reduce stress and promote resilience and trauma healing in the clergy and their faith communities. Psychologists, Lisseth Rojas-Flore and Joseph Currier and theologian, Tommy Givens also address critical theological insights in responses to trauma and recovery.
Additional Resources
- When Your Whole World Changes, COVID-19 Special Ed.—Downloadable devotions and resources by Biblica (also available in 30 languages).
COVID-19, ICE, and the Betrayal of Latino Children—Article by Lisseth Rojas-Flores on FULLER Studio.
The Church in a Time of Conflict: Bringing Shalom to Persons in Situations of Internal Displacement in Colombia—Article by Lisseth Rojas-Flores on FULLER Studio.
Understanding Moral Injury in Individuals: Current Models, Concepts, and Treatments—Chapter by Joseph Currier, Steven L. Isaak, and Paola Fernandez.
My Father’s Body—Article by Tommy Givens on FULLER Studio.
Reimagining the Gospel in Relationship—Blog post by Tommy Givens on Fuller Youth Institute.
- Spiritual First Aid—A hub of resources, including a manual, tip sheets, and other tools, for pastors and leaders, produced by the Humanitarian Disaster Institute.
About the Panelists
Lisseth Rojas-Flores
Lisseth Rojas-Flores is associate professor of clinical psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary and a licensed psychologist. Her research focuses on trauma, youth violence prevention, parent-child relationships, and the overall wellbeing of immigrant children and families in the United States. Her work is deeply informed by culture and context. As a bilingual/bicultural clinical psychologist, Dr. Rojas-Flores is especially interested in addressing the interrelationships between family issues, mental health, and social justice.
Joseph Currier
Joseph Currier is a licensed psychologist who serves as professor at the University of South Alabama. His research focuses on trauma and moral injury, spiritually integrated approaches to mental health care, and other topics related to applied psychology of religion and spirituality. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in support of these lines of research and his work has been funded by the John Templeton Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Currier has also co-authored two books with American Psychological Association entitled Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality: Translating Research into Clinical Practice and Addressing Moral Injury in Clinical Practice. He serves as an editorial board member with Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Traumatology, and Death Studies.
Tommy Givens
Tommy Givens is associate professor of New Testament studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He holds a Th.D. in theological ethics and New Testament from Duke University. He is the author of We the People: Israel and the Catholicity of Jesus with Fortress Press and of articles in various academic journals including the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, Journal for the Study of Christian Ethics, and Journal of Scriptural Reasoning. His research focuses on biblical interpretation, political theory, and ecology. He is currently writing a book on the Gospel of Matthew entitled Light in the Shadow of Death.