
June 14, 2024

A Practice: Small Acts of Love—An invitation to create and explore

Is it possible to create a more loving world? Practices that link us to our senses support our ability to love.

Something you can touch & feel…

“Every time I’m around a group of people, the word that keeps coming up is ‘overwhelmed,’” she said. “It’s so meaningful to lean on poetry right now because it does make you slow down. It does make you breathe.” –Ada Limon (Two-time poet laureate of the United States) 

Poetry is not just for those who consider themselves poetic; poetry is a way to give life to our inner experiences that we might not have the language to communicate verbally. Consider starting a daily or weekly poetry practice. When I first started writing poetry a few years ago, it felt cumbersome. But as more time passed, I started to look forward to quiet moments where I could lose myself in my thoughts. This practice can be a practice of embracing our belovedness as it allows us to tend to our inner worlds and create space to breathe and engage a part of our brain that we might not have the ability to otherwise. Consider taking time to write poetry outside. Find a space in the sunshine and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Take time to touch and feel the ground beneath your feet and observe your natural environment. Now consider writing about whatever bubbles up for you. Remember that poetry doesn’t have to rhyme, and it doesn’t have to be serious! We realize that many of you are busy parents. Set aside a chunk of time that feels realistic and doable, or try making up rhymes with your kids. Consider starting with just 10-15 minutes every other day. 

Poetry Inspo: Poetry to bring on a hike

Something you can taste & smell…

“I think careful cooking is love, don’t you?” –Julia Child

Everyone knows that food is the way to many people’s hearts. As a young adult without kids, my friends and I recently decided to get creative with cooking. Our plan is that each month we take turns making a dish from a recipe in a cookbook and have a potluck where we share about our experience cooking and enjoy a meal together. This might not be in the cards for families, but if you have young kiddos home for the summer, consider having them choose a recipe that looks good and then have them help you prepare the meal together. It’s not only a great educational opportunity to connect with your kids, it’s a great way to share a skill with them that can then allow them to connect with others. You don’t have to be a chef to do this. Start small and remember that it’s okay if the meal doesn’t turn out amazing, it’s about the process of making the food from start to finish and savoring the moments of connecting with loved ones along the way. 

Recipe Inspo: Summer Recipes

Something you can hear…

“Music can change the world” –Beethoven

Curate a playlist that matches your mood. Consider making a playlist that is nostalgic, one that is upbeat, or one that is soulful. Music has a way of connecting us to memories, places, people and experiences. Consider making music an intentional part of your day and take note of how it makes you feel to listen to your favorite songs this summer, or if you’re really feeling energized, maybe try taking on some song writing of your own. For some inspiration, we’ve curated a playlist of some of our favorites that came out of the “Summer of Love” in 1967.

Playlist: Summer of Love 1967



Shaya Aguilar Thrive Fellow / Writer


Continue Exploring


Summer of Love: Is it Possible to Create a More Loving World?


Attachment Styles: Why Does Love Sometimes Feel so Difficult? (Part 1)


Forgiveness: What it Means (and What it Doesn’t)

    You Got It!