Thrive Center

Blog Articles



Transcendence (Part 1): The Beauty of Transcendence and How it Informs our Spirituality

Our minds are designed to receive loving transcendent experiences. Learn more in this post and try some practices.



What is transcendence?

Spiritual health includes experiencing transcendence.


Take a Breath: How Breath Work Provides a Portal to Our Spiritual Lives

“…then the Lord God formed the human from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life’ and the human became a living being.”  Genesis 2:7 The gospels don’t describe Jesus’ first breath. What they do tell us is that he was born, and that he lived among us. God became flesh and bone, experiencing the pleasures and pains of embodied life. The story of Jesus’ life is also about his sacrifice and the moment when he breathed his last. According to Luke 44:46, “Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into...



A Practice Questions to Promote Love, Meaning and Purpose

Pivot from anxiety to meaning to discover yourself and your purposes. Find a trusted friend or small group and work through these questions.


Life off Autopilot (Part 2): The Complexities of Activating into Purpose

When we know that finding purpose is so important for our spiritual health and wellbeing, why is it sometimes so hard?



A Practice: Observing the Body for Understanding

A daily spiritual practice focusing on embodied emotions provides insight into what matters most and informs purpose.



Questions to Promote Love and Meaning

Thinking through paths out of anxiety and fear   If it rings true for you that you need to train your brain to tone down anxiety and/or discover more about yourself – your sources of love and mattering, and your purposes – find a trusted friend or loved one or a small group and work through some of these questions together.     Getting in touch with love: What are your fundamental beliefs about being loved–for just who you are? Not what you do, but just who you are now?  Pause. Close your eyes, take 3 slow breaths–imagine God is looking...



Life Off Autopilot (Part 1): The Power of Purpose

Many go through the motions, feeling like there must be something more. To become more purposeful, look to joy for insight.



Want to become more present, healthy, and connected? Pay attention to your body (Part 2)

Our emotions are linked to how we make meaning of our lives, and attending to our embodied emotional selves leads to spiritual health.



Want to become more present, healthy, and connected? Pay attention to your body (Part 1)

Thrive Fellow, Lauren Van Vranken, offers practices for reconnecting to our bodies and asks us to think about our relationship to our embodied selves.


Perfectionism: Turning a Struggle into a Superpower

Why do so many people struggle with perfectionism? Dr. Kenneth Wang explains.



Adolescents and Spirituality: How Transcendent Experiences can Create Resilient Teens

Research with Compassion International yielded results explaining the assets that come from spirituality across countries and challenges.