
April 18, 2024

Dr. Pam King on Prospera Podcast

Listen to Pam King talk with host P.J. Simmons about what Christians can learn from Psychology on the Prospera podcast.
Pam Ebstyne King, the Executive Director of Thrive Center, discusses the interplay between spirituality and psychology in living a purposeful life. In this conversation with PJ Simmons, Pam suggests that being attuned to our emotions and relationships, practicing mindfulness, and prioritizing connection with others are essential for holistic thriving.

Key takeaways:

Understanding how people change and grow is essential in living a purposeful life. There is often tension and misunderstanding between spirituality and psychology within the Christian community. Psychology plays a significant role in understanding and pursuing personal growth and thriving. Being attuned to our emotions and relationships, practicing mindfulness, and prioritizing connection with others are essential for holistic thriving. Babies’ brains require interaction with others for proper growth and development. Teenagers find meaning and values through relationships with caring adults. Congregations need to provide genuine community and meaningful connections. Technology should be used to deepen established relationships, not replace them. Vulnerability, transcendence, and purpose are important in relationships and community.

Listen by click here.

Thrive Center


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