Author Archives: Lauren
Conversing About Patience
The Thrive Center for Human Development and FULLER Studio present Patience, a five-video series that will change the way you think about patience. Psychologists, Benjamin Houltberg and Sarah Schnitker lead a table discussion with Rabbi Sherre Hirsh, Tasneem Noor, and Harlan Redmond to share their thoughts on the meaning of patience within different cultural contexts, faith traditions, and individuals. Working with Faith Traditions How do different faith traditions think about the practice of patience? Our moderators join Rabbi Sherre Hirsch, Tasneem Noor, and Harlan Redmond to reflect on the role of patience within their own faith, the patience...
Dr. Dwight Radcliff’s Prophetic Hip Hop Playlist
Want some of Rev. Dr. Radcliff's greatest hits from the history of hip hop? Check out the playlist here!
Transcendence (Part 1): The Beauty of Transcendence and How it Informs our Spirituality
Our minds are designed to receive loving transcendent experiences. Learn more in this post and try some practices.