Date & Time:
The purpose of the sympoisum is to bring together a unique constellation of colleagues, that is, scholars involved in both moral education and in theory and research in the field of positive youth development (PYD). To our knowledge, there has not been a scholarly context where these sets of scholars have discussed the issues involved in advancing theory, research, and applications involved in the links between PYD and moral development. The symposium will bring these scholars and AME colleagues together to discuss several key questions. A discussion of scholars with this unique focus on the nature of the links between PYD and moral development could not be timelier or of greater relevance for the AME colleagues.
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Telos, Technology and Thriving
In a post with Fuller Studio, Pam King discusses whether the our relationship with technology is helping or impeding thriving and offers ideas for guidance.
Dr. Pam King on Prospera Podcast
Listen to Pam King talk with host P.J. Simmons about what Christians can learn from Psychology on the Prospera podcast.
Christian Flourishing in a Secular Age: Challenges and Opportunities Post-Conference Workshop
Pam spoke at one of the Post-Conference Workshops of the 'Realigned' conference by Christian Association for Psychological Studies on March 23rd, 2024.