Topic Archive



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Exploring the role of the “Big Three” features of effective youth development programs in El Salvador: The sample case of programs of Compassion International

Authors Jonathan M. Tirrell, Samuel W. Hay, Patricia K.Gansert, Trang U. Le, Bridget C. O'Neil, Jennifer M. vaughn, Leanne Bishara, Jacqueline V. Lerner, Pamela Ebstyne King, Elizabeth M. Dowling, Kate Williams, Guillermo Iraheta, Alistair T.R. Sim, Richard M. Lerner Abstract Programs effective in promoting positive youth development (PYD) involve curricular features termed the Big Three: Positive and sustained adult–youth relationships; life-skill-building activities; and youth contribution and leadership opportunities. Data from 610 adolescents (50% female; M age = 16.39 years, SD = 1.83) enrolled in Compassion International-supported programs in El Salvador indicated that scores derived from a youth-report measure of the Big Three, established using data from Rwanda,...


Father talking to his daughter


The Power of Storytelling: Shaping Future Generations with Our Past

Rodrigo Riveros discusses the importance of life stories in promoting brain development and meaning-making in adolescents.


Research Link

Developmental Perspectives on Adolescent Religious and Spiritual Development

Authors: Pamela Ebstyne King, Sam A. Hardy, and Sean Noe Abstract: Despite the prevalence of religiousness and spirituality among adolescents, little is known about the psychology of adolescent religious and spiritual development. The purpose of this article is to explain how scholars within the discipline of developmental psychology have begun to approach the topic. Specifically, the article details how developmental theory advances understanding of religious and spiritual development and overviews developmental methods that enable rigorous examination of the structure and function of adolescent religious and spiritual development. A Relational Developmental Systems metatheoretical approach, emphasizing longitudinal methods, is utilized to highlight...


Youth surfing at the beach


Sense of Purpose and Thriving: A College Student’s Perspective

A college student reflects on the importance of finding a sense of purpose as the key to thriving in college.



Empowering Youth to Thrive With, Through, and By Faith

Dr. Meredith Hope discusses the role of religion in youth thriving and ways caring adults can help enable spirituality in adolescence.


Research Link

Interrogating ergodicity and specificity in youth development programs in El Salvador

Authors Jonathan M. Tirrell (a), Patricia K. Gansert (a), Elizabeth M. Dowling (a), Kate Williams (b), Guillermo Iraheta (c), Jacqueline V. Lerner (d), Pamela Ebstyne King (e), Alistair T.R. Sim (b), Richard M. Lerner (a) a. Tufts University, USA b. Compassion International, USA c. Compassion International, El Salvador d . Boston College, USA e. Fuller Theological Seminary, USA   Abstract Researchers and evaluators interested in 


Research Link

Evaluating the measure of diverse adolescent spirituality in samples of Mexican and Salvadoran youth

Authors King, P. E., Yoo, Y., Vaughn, J. M., Tirrell, J. M., Geldhof, G. J., Iraheta, G., Williams, K., Sim, A., Stephenson, P., Dowling, E., Lerner, R. M., & Lerner, J. V. Abstract This study examines the psychometric properties and applicability of the Measure of Diverse Adolescent Spirituality (MDAS), including the factors of transcendence and fidelity, across 2 samples of adolescent youth from low- and middle-income countries (Mexico and El Salvador). Drawing on relational developmental systems metatheory, spirituality is conceptualized as experience of and response to one’s perception of transcendence. Although an increasing number of spirituality measures exist,...



Tips for Thriving Through Unpredictable Times

Move from surviving to thriving by using the six tips in this post. Explore the links for deeper understanding.


Research Link

The Measure of Diverse Adolescent Spirituality (MDAS) and Refined Findings from Mexican and Salvadoran Youth

Authors: Pamela E.King, Yeonsoo Yoo, Jennifer Medina Vaughn, jonathan M.Tirrell, G. John Geldhof, and Elizabeth Dowling   Abstract: The Measurement of Diverse Adolescent Spirituality (MDAS) was developed to assess adolescent spirituality and religiosity for use with diverse youth. Researchers have emphasized the multifaceted nature of spirituality and suggested the need for robust measures to chart patterns of spiritual development in a culturally and developmentally valid manner. The MDAS was developed as a theory-based measure, grounded in a relational developmental systems metatheory (RDS), that views spiritual development as resulting from the coactions between an individual and the diverse systems in which...



Kids and Anxious Minds (Part 2): Practices to Help Kids Cope During Times of Anxiety

Student researchers share 3 research-based techniques to increase relaxation, support positive behaviors, and create a structured routine for kids.



Kids and Anxious Minds (Part 1): How Parents Can Support Children Struggling with Anxiety

Student researchers recommend 3 evidence-based interventions that parents can use to help regulate kids' stress and emotions at home.



Spiritual & Mental Health for Children/Teens During COVID-19

Summary What impact has the pandemic had on the mental and spiritual health of children and teens, and how can the church help? Hosted by the Humanitarian Disaster Institute and National Association of Evangelicals, this webinar discusses how the church can respond to the spiritual and mental health needs of children and teens as parents and educators prepare for the back-to-school season during the COVID-19 pandemic. CEO of KidzMatter, Ryan Frank, clinical psychologist at Florissa Center, Beth Cunningham and executive director of the Thrive Center, Pamela King share insights and answers to the questions looming in many church leaders’ minds.