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Backed by Research

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We hold that science can provide the insight needed to understand our spiritual health and develop practices that lead to a thriving everyday life. We’re researchers and psychologists that live real lives and come face to face with the same questions you have.

Backed by Research

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We hold that science can provide the insight needed to understand our spiritual health and develop practices that lead to a thriving everyday life. We’re researchers and psychologists that live real lives and come face to face with the same questions you have.

How it Works


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Thrive Center Founder

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Pamela Ebstyne King, Ph.D. has worked with the Thrive Center for Human Development since its inception in 2011. In 2021, she was named executive director of the Thrive Center and continues to serve as the Peter L. Benson Professor of Applied Developmental Science in Fuller's School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy.

Devious Semikoli

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Our selected studies that touch every corner of what we do. Learn about the fundamentals of thriving sciences with these studies.


Reciprocating Love Scale Project


Study of Spirituality in America – Structural Topic Modeling


The Joyride Project


Measuring Spirituality Among Adolescents


Shades of Gratitude


The Reciprocating Self: A Telos of Human Development


Spiritual Exemplars: The Emerging Adult Years


CI Study of Positive Youth Development


The Good Physician Project


Self-Narratives and Emotional Health among Elite Athletes


Love Thy Neighbor Project


Virtue Interventions in Adolescent Athletes


Evolutionary Psychology and Christian Views on Human Thriving

Research Project

The Science of Intellectual Humility


Relational Capacity and Ministry Performance


Is Religion Natural? The Chinese Challenge


Goal Sanctification & Prayer on Virtues


Thriving Conversations in Clinical Practice


Spiritual Strivings, Goal Satisfaction, Virtue, and Well-Being


Spiritual Transformation and Virtue Development in Adolescents in Young Life

Devious Semikoli

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And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.

Relationships & Community

A Practice: Digging Deep to Forgive

Becoming a more forgiving person is a process. If you are ready to start healing, ask yourself the following questions. Make sure you have the support you need.

Transcendence & Spirituality

Discovering Joy

This post is based upon an interview between Psychology Today and Dr. Pam King

Habits & Rhythms

Why You Need to Make Time for Play

You might be surprised about the benefits of play for your wellbeing and your spiritual health. Here's how to get more in your life.

Habits & Rhythms

How Can Savoring Improve Your Quality of Life?

Can we increase our feelings of happiness simply by noticing when we are happy? Research tells us we can through the practice of savoring.

Habits & Rhythms

Screen Time: How Much Do We Pay for Our Screen Time Subscriptions?

What are the real costs of our screen time? How can you become more mindful for yourself and your children? Writer, Amy Dunn, explores this question and more in this series.

Habits & Rhythms

Screen Time: Here’s What Happened When I Took my Kids’ Screens

Writer Amy Dunn tells us that taking screens away marked her. "I watched my kids immediately become completely lost in their own imaginations for not just minutes, but hours and hours."

Habits & Rhythms

A Practice: Small Acts of Love—An invitation to create and explore

Is it possible to create a more loving world? Practices that link us to our senses support our ability to love.

Transcendence & Spirituality

Summer of Love: Is it Possible to Create a More Loving World?

Love is more than a feeling. It is a conscious decision, and requires practices and skills in order to live it out.

Habits & Rhythms

Why Can’t I Change? How Flexibility Might Be the Key to Getting Unstuck (Part 2)

We can thrive by flexibly facing change, rather than avoiding it. This post is Part 2 of a two-part series.

Habits & Rhythms

Why Can’t I Change? How Flexibility Might Be the Key to Getting Unstuck (Part 1)

We can thrive by flexibly facing change, rather than avoiding it. This post is Part 1 of a two-part series.

10 Articles

Devious Semikoli

Latest News Card Slider

And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.

Dr. Pam King on Prospera Podcast

Listen to Pam King talk with host P.J. Simmons about what Christians can learn from Psychology on the Prospera podcast.

Christian Flourishing in a Secular Age: Challenges and Opportunities Post-Conference Workshop

Pam spoke at one of the Post-Conference Workshops of the 'Realigned' conference by Christian Association for Psychological Studies on March 23rd, 2024.

Thrive Fellowship 2024-2025

Thrive Fellowships are for clinical doctoral students who aspire to serve and lead in the academic study, teaching, training, and/or practice of integrative approaches to human thriving. Students completing their second, third, or fourth year may apply (though exceptional first-year students will be considered with faculty referral) The Thrive Center for Human Development is an applied research center that conducts research and develops resources to inspire, inform, and equip people to thrive. Thrive Fellowships are intended for students who seek experience and mentorship in theoretically-informed research and/or in translating research for practical applications related to spiritual health and thriving. Interested applicants must discuss their desire to apply with Dr. Pam King and their faculty advisor. Each fellowship comes with a total of $15,000 for the academic year ($5,000 for each: Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters). If you are interested in applying to Thrive fellowship, there are two steps. First,…

Pam King on The Purposeful Lab Podcast

With evolutionary psychology and theology as a guide, Dr. Pam King offers tools and inspiration to find purpose and thrive in today's world.

Pam on Asking Why with Clint Davis Podcast

Clint Davis talks with Pam in this episode about about understanding what individual strengths and environments enable humans to thrive and become all God created them to be.

Pam King on Liberty Road Podcast

In this episode, Liberty Road's Nada Jones sits down with Pam to discuss her work at the THRIVE Center, where the science of psychology and the practice of spirituality collide. Pam desires to catalyze a movement of human thriving through research and resource development. To help us get there, she explains the three pillars of thriving and how they get reassessed in mid-life.

Christian Association for the Psychology of Faith in Hong Kong

Lecture: How Christians deal with life’s uncertainty Date & Time: 13 January 2024 (Sat, HK time), 9:00am – 6:00pm Where: Room 11.18, 11/F, Jockey Club Teaching Building, University of Hong Kong, physical, no online meeting How to participate: Click the link or scan the poster to register online with QR code. Welcome to free dedication. In human growth, whether health, education, career, marriage or family, there are many variables in themselves or in the environment, many of which may not be certain. Hong Kong people have experienced social unrest and the swings of the epidemic over the years, and social and group divisions have been torn apart; outside Hong Kong, there are economic and political tensions, and we…

Pam on Conversing with Mark Labberton Podcast

What does it mean to thrive in this modern world? Pam discusses her research and work on the topic of thriving, as well as her new podcast, With & For.

What Does Spirituality Mean to Us?

A Study of Spirituality in the United States Since COVID. The Thrive Center's research team analyzed data generated by The Fetzer Institute. Here is a report of the findings.

10 News Stories

Devious Semikoli

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And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.

3 Content Resources

Devious Semikoli

Latest Podcast Episodes Card Slider

And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.

Transcendence & Spirituality

A Practice: Dr. Cynthia Eriksson Body Scan for Awareness

Dr. Eriksson guides you through a practice of scanning the body to cultivate awareness of sensation present there. This technique is an important first step – regulation – of building a resilience practice.

A Practice: Dr. Lisa Miller on Closing Doors so Others Can Open

Dr. Miller leads you through a practice where you imagine two doors – one red and one yellow. The red door is closed to you and the yellow door is open. How can you use this practice to understand opportunities and direction for your life? How can you identify how you have been guided along the way?…

A Practice: Dr. Richard Davidson on Gaining Insight

Dr. Davidson leads a brief meditation on gaining insight into a struggle present in your life. Envision how things might be different with a different set of beliefs and expectations about the situation.

A Practice: Dr. Lisa Miller and Your Table of Spiritual Companions

Dr. Miller leads a brief meditation where you set a table before you with those who love you and ask them to tell you what you need to know now. This practice helps develop a connection to a deep kind of spirituality that is intuitive and imaginative and helps one to feel loved, held, guided, and never alone.

A Practice: Dr. Cynthia Eriksson on Grounding in the Body

Dr. Eriksson guides a meditation practice to connect you to your body and space in order to cultivate a sense of safety and calm. The twisting motion and identification of the space grounds and settles the parasympathetic nervous system.

A Practice: Dr. Richard Davidson on Developing Awareness

Dr. Davidson leads a practice to bring awareness into our bodies and into the present moment. This practice is intended not only to build capacities for awareness but to develop compassion for others.

Habits & Rhythms

The Big Picture on Thriving & Spiritual Health — Season One Wrap Up with Dr. Pam King & Dr. Jill Westbrook

Dr. Pam King and Dr. Jill Westbrook take a look back on the first season of With & For and its unique approach to exploring thriving and spiritual health. Together they draw upon insights from the twelve expert guests featured in this inaugural season—reflecting on their wisdom, and pulling key moments from each conversation to weave a tapestry of interdisciplinary scientific research, diverse spiritual perspectives, and practical guidance for a life of thriving.

Ethics & Virtues

The Power of Patience: How to Wait Well, Persevere Through Suffering, and Navigate a Fast-Paced World with Dr. Sarah Schnitker

What are you willing to wait for? What are you willing to suffer for? Research psychologist Sarah Schnitker (Baylor University) has done groundbreaking work in the science of patience. By exploring the ways to become more patient with others and ourselves—and discovering the role of this timeless virtue in a flourishing life—she offers us a freeing and stabilizing approach to thinking about goals, perseverance, and navigating our fast-paced world.

Vocation & Purpose

Redeeming the Past: Owning Your Story, Cultivating Courage, and Finding Peace with Dr. William Damon

How does where you’ve been contribute to where you’re going? How does your story shape your sense of purpose? Developmental psychologist William Damon (Stanford University) has spent his career studying the human lifespan, and has found both in his research and personal experience, that by courageously exploring our personal histories, we’ll stay on a path toward purpose and peace.

Identity & Narrative

Dreaming Together: Dealing with Conflict, Finding Belonging, and Doing Justice with Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra

“If your community is not well, then you are not well.” Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra (Fuller Theological Seminary) is an organizer, activist, and pastor whose career has shown how individual thriving is intertwined with collective justice. With respect for marvelous human complexity, she’s encouraging us to get out of our heads and into our bodies and emotions… and is inviting us to compassion for the marginalized, and to ground our spiritual health in our connectedness to the human family, across cultural and economic lines.

10 Podcast Episodes

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Lorem Ipsum

Quis at sociosqu ac suspendisse.

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Generous contributions allow us to continue our intentional work and maintain resources that help others move from becoming to being. Our blogs, research, podcasts, and more can be accessed for free, so there’s no pressure to give if you’re not in a position to.

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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.

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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.


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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.

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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.


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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.

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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.

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    We’ve collected and curated articles, videos, podcasts, and research specifically tailored to help you discover sunlight to grow towards.

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    Dr. David Goatley

    President of Fuller Theological Seminary

    Dr. Pam King weaves threads of her life as parent, pastor, and professor with psychological, spiritual, and practical insights in conversation with experienced leaders from a vibrant variety of vocations and perspectives to offer hope and help for today and tomorrow.

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    And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.

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    And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains.